İş garantili fuar / Messe for jobgaranti

Mehmets bror arbejder i denne uge ved en messe her i Alanya, han staar og laver mad som man kan koebe sammen med en masse andet  hvor overskuddet gaar til velgoerende formaal. Vi var en tur derude idag for at kigge, hvor vi ogsaa moedte Mehmets soester og hendes soen. Vi gik rundt og kiggede og fik noget at spise. Der var en masse laekkert tyrkisk mad og desserter 🙂








488361_288056547992577_310177666_nJeg tvang Mehmet til at koebe blomster til mig. De kostede saa ogsaa kun 5 lira 🙂

166747_288056494659249_2092881378_nVi var ogsaa lige inde og hilse paa familien inde paa Merlot restaurant, der er saadan en god udsigt til havnen derfra.


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Twitter is an open platform that one should use to communicate with friends and network with new people, but one needs to be careful with what they share on it. This report addresses the problems that arise from sharing an excessive amount information regarding Facebook. Social sites like Twitter predisposes an individual to threats like identity theft especially when they share too much of their information1, according to Dhar and Gangopadhyay. They investigate the circumstances of youths who use these types of share and sites too much money element. Flickr stimulates the employment of important data like e and name-send handles when designing an account, as well as some of such a information and facts will most likely be available to people. (mere…)

Ny sommersæson

Nu er det snart april, og Alanya er ved at være klar til en ny sæson.





f165ea20947f11e2a96422000a1fbc12_7Den nye kattelegeplads i parken, det er så hyggeligt bare ærgerligt at der ikke var nogle katte derinde 🙂


Nohut köftesi / Falafel i pitabrød

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